Weblog 2011

Like in ealier expeditions we report in this logbook all news from the team which is send to Germany by satellitephone.
For Bugrino in the south of the island there is an weatherforecast available in the net. Go <LINK http://rp5.ru/1862/ru>here</link>.

22-7-2011 Yesterday we caught 26 more geese and ringed them.

21-07-2011We placed a temporary camp 8km far from the main camp close by the moulting lakes of Whitefronts and Beans. Yesterday we caught another 34 birds.

20-7-2011First catch of moulting nonbreeders was successful: 12 birds were caught and marked. Also all found goose nests were checked for hatching success. Now the birg time of moulting catches begins!

18-7-2011 Third Long-tailed duck was caught and fitted with a geolocator. Both other marked birds are still present and look healthy. We started to check all goose nests again to estimate the hatching success by egg-shells. Grey Plovers rear their chicks now. The birds who lost their broad collect in the tundra for roost and prepare for migration to the waddensea.

13-7-2011 First participants from Germany returned to Bugrino. We had some irritations with helikopter tickets, but this was solved. Now we have tickets! On Kolguev it`s sunny with 15°C and slow wind. Number of mosquitoes is relativly low. During our trip over the island we saw first larger moulting flocks of geese in the upland tundra. Everywhere goose and wader families.
Alexander and Sasha were able to repair the fuel generator: now it is cleaned up to the smallest screw and it works again. All power problems seems to be solved, now.

11-07-2011, 8:24 Team of three scientist from delta camp returned to main camp by vestichot. Yesterday lots of rain. We cancelled investigation trip in the morning.

10-07-2011, 20:08 We caught 2nd Long-tailed duck in the evening and marked it. Also on our 29km long survey we found first chick of Grey Plover and ringed it. Today great weather: sun and little wind, 7°C.

09-07-2011, 18:09 Dense fog today. Afterwards lots of rain and wind. We skipped field work today.

06-07-2011 Caught first Long-tailed duck today and put geolocator onto the leg. Weather: sunny by 3-12°C

06-07-2011, 21:36 Today's weather: warm and sunny. Rather some mosquitoes, but not more than factor 1. We caught our first Whitefront today and marked it. Geese chicks hatching everwhere.

05-07-2011, 16:11Weather: stormy with 7 Beaufort and just only 6°C. At the camp colony all Barnacles goose chicks are hatched. Families left camp area very soon and went upstream for broadrearing.

05-07-2011, 09:22 wind generator failure. Obviously problems with electronic. So we're running into some problems of lacking power, now. Made long search for Long-tailed ducks: nests are rather hard to find - probably no nests in the area. But females and pairs often swim on lakes everywhere.

05-07-2011, 08:41 Stormy today. Yesterday we caught 1 Whitefront and 2 Grey Plover. Rendeers around eat a lot of wader clutches.

04-07-2011 Today wind speed 15m/sec. No problem for our tents! In the morning we had just 3,6°C. But field work will continue - walking keeps you warm!

02-07-2011Because of toothache Sonia returns to Bugrino. Team from delta visited oil people today (for shower and shopping). During this main camp team wants to catch more Grey Plovers and Whitefronts.

(Kopie 13)

[Translate to english:] 01-07-2011 Heute 2 Blessgänse und 1 Kiebitzregenpfeifer beringt. Überall schlüpfen Küken. 7°C, auch Regen

(Kopie 14)

[Translate to english:] 30-06-2011 Erste Gänseküken und 20 Kiebitzregenpfeifer beringt.

(Kopie 15)


(Kopie 16)

[Translate to english:] 29-06-2011 Jetzt Abflug nach Kolguev +++ nach miesem Wetter gestern heute wieder schön, ca. 10 °C +++ Mehr über Sat.

(Kopie 17)

[Translate to english:] 27-06-2011 Sind sicher in Nayarn-Mar gelandet +++ 30°C, Sonne +++ alles fein, Stimmung gut

26-06-2011 Called satellitephone this morning: all things fine in both camps. They have daily radio connection. Work is already within the schedule. This summer seems to be extraordinary dry. In the center of the island rubberboots still not necassary anymore. You can walk everywhere with hiking boots. Breeding number of geese is high again, amazing is the number of breeding Barnacles in the center of the island.
Today four more members of the Kolguev expedition will leave from Germany. In the early morning they will fly to Nayarn-Mar via Moscow and Arkhangelsk. On Tuesday they have to run errands and will fly on wednesday morning by helicopter to Bugrino. From Bugrino they will go by vestichot to the camp 50km north of Bugrino.

23-06-2011 Three more marked Whitefronts were found breeding close to the camps: 1CL black and ZPT black breed close to delta camp, FUZ black breeds 500m away from main camp.
Delta team found 18 nests of Grey Plovers to far, at main camp 5 were found. At the moment no further nests of Long-tailed ducks were found, but we`ll looking forward to additional team members for help.

22-6-2011 It's impossible to repair our rubberboat at delta camp. So we think we'll rescue the equipment with one of the Russian amphibian vehicle mid of July.
The researchers in our main team in the hilly center of the island will start to study breeding density in our study plots.

20-06-2011 All found nests of Long-tailed ducks were predated so far. At the moment no known nests are left. While rafting the river delta team damaged rubberboat in shallow water. Have to find a way how to get all the equipment back in summer.

13-06-2011 Today delta team went rafting by rubberboat downwards the river to the river delta. Close to the camp we found 10 pairs of Grey plover and three nests so far.

09-06-2011 The first nest of Grey plovers was found! Many many geese breeding around the camp and all over the island. But Peregrine falcon does not breed this year. Nevertheless we found Barnacle goose colonies around the falcons nest sites.

07-06-2011we read first two neckbands of Whitefronted geese. One of this was seen on Kolguev at 2007, too. Also we found first nest of Long-tailed duck. Four pairs of Grey Plovers were observed near the camp, but did not start breeding so far. But the weather has changed: now its sunny and warm - like in spring!

03-06-2011: Today lot of rain, heavy wind and fog. We saw the first pair of Grey Plover but they continued migrating. But we`re fine in the camp and waiting for better weather!

31-05-2011: Two pairs of Barnacle geese started nesting close to our cabins. But there are lots more around. Now the ice on the river has gone and the delta is flooded.

30-05-2011 Team is okay, weather is fine. First Barnacle geese start nesting along the river, but also lots of Whitefronted and Bean geese were observed.

Kolguev Weblog 2011

27-05-2011: Our Team arrived in the center of Kolguev Island. All things fine. Lots of geese still around the camp, esp. lots of Barnacle geese, what wasn`t like this in years before.